Monday, April 7, 2014

April 6, 2014: Week 24 - I'm Alive!

Hi Everyone,
Below is Cole's letter from yesterday.  It is pretty short because I actually sent him a voice recorder on January 30th in which he just received this week (mail does not get to the Philippines very fast) so he was really testing it out.  The voice recorder makes it so much easier for him to share experiences.  Therefore, he ended up sending us many voice recordings via email (I like to call them voice journal's) of this week.  I will work on sending them on to you if you are interested.  It was honestly SO much fun to hear his voice.  He is doing so well.  The language is coming along nicely and he thinks he might get transferred to another area here soon.  We will see.  Thank you so much for all of your prayers on his behalf as a missionary. 

Love you all.

Hello everyone!

I'm so sorry that I missed last week.  It was a crazy week, and this week got even crazier!  The computer shop that I'm in has the slowest internet so i will keep this short so that I can get it off to you all!

So this week was amazing!  Our zone did a musical missionary fireside and we had a ton of people come to it.  Leaders of our church and what not were there!  It was so scary, but such a success.  We were able to get investigators there and help them feel the spirit through song.  It was amazing!

We had a lot of leadership things to be at this week so we were in our area the least we have been this whole time, but we have a new investigator that is so great.  She just moved here because her and her husband divorced so we were able to share with her the gospel and she is doing great now!  Transfers are coming up this next week though so I have no idea where I will be next week.  Its a crazy feeling.

As far as our mission goal... we didn't reach it :(  It was really sad...... But our zone did so that is all that matters right?  :)  Its not about the numbers, but it is all the people that were able to enter the waters of baptism.  Its amazing!

Anyway... we didn't get to listen to conference this week :(  But this weekend we will, so I am super excited for that.

I hope you are all doing well and staying safe!
Love you all!

Elder Gordon 

March 30, 2014: Week 23 - No official letter, but he is doing good and is extremely busy